Article: Transforming Primary Care- Lessons from Kerala :

Introduction: Primary health care is in crisis. It is underdeveloped in many countries, underfunded in others, and facing a severe workforce recruitment and retention challenge.Half the world’s population has no access to the most essential health services. Fact; 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata – It united health leaders and highlighted the importance of primary health care as... Continue Reading →

National Health Stack

In news: NITI Aayog has proposed creation of National Health Stack (NHS), a centralized health record for all citizens of the country, in order to streamline the health information and facilitate effective management of the same.   Need for a database: India today is witnessing significant trends in health: increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases for... Continue Reading →

Universal health coverage: Here’s how India can achieve the goal and challenge’s

Wisdoms Editorial: Achieving universal health coverage in India     Bacground: The World Health Organization (WHO) Health Assembly set the target of “Health for All” in May 1977. These were to be achieved by the end of 2000. Subsequently, in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals were formulated by the UN with the target for achievement set for 2015. This was followed... Continue Reading →

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